We offer professional coaching and teaching to individuals, couples, businesses, small groups, and teams to develop greater self-awareness, happier and healthier relationships, and more successful work relationships. The Enneagram can help teams make better decisions and work together in a healthier way. We work with couples to help you understand your relationship in more intentional and enjoyable ways, and with small groups and individuals to promote self-awareness and transformation. The Enneagram helps each of us cultivate a path for both emotional and spiritual growth.


The name enneagram comes from the Greek words “ennea” meaning nine and “gram” meaning written or drawn. The symbolic representation of the enneagram consists of a circle with 9 points, each representing a personality type which are numbered one through nine. No personality type is better or worse than any other type.  Our dominant personality type is the method we chose at a very, very early age to allow us to cope with the world around us.

Unfortunately, we all limit ourselves by allowing our personalities to dictate or take control of how we respond and react to life.  Some personality type models put us in a box and have us believe that “this is just who I am.”   The Enneagram provides us with the opportunity to move out of our box of personality and return to our Essence, which is our true self.

The Enneagram shows us that life is a journey of self-exploration, growth, and transformation.  As we learn to develop our inner observer while we silence our inner critic, we become more aware of our personality traits, thereby allowing ourselves to learn about the healthy and instinctive gifts we offer the world. Change and transformation can only occur if we are aware of the changes we need to make. Without self-awareness, there can be no self-improvement.

The Enneagram enables us to discover which one of the nine (9) distinct personality types is our dominant lens through which we view the world.  We also learn to recognize the healthy and unhealthy habitual traits of our personality that keeps us “asleep to ourselves.” As we learn how to recognize and put aside our unhealthy coping, we learn how to bring out our gifts and live into our truest selves, our Essence. When we see the Truth of our Essence, sometimes for the first time, we begin to experience the joy of living as our True Self.

Enneagram Coaching in Business….

(Building the culture of the business and helping all employees reach their full potential)

Effective leaders strive to find and utilize accurate information on how to best communicate with others, how to inspire others around them to develop and share their vision and goals, and how to provide clear and useful feedback. Accomplishing these goals through developing the business emotional intelligence approach promotes not only the ability to recruit and retain the highest quality employees but encourages and allows these employees to use their gifts to strive for and achieve their goals in relation to the organizational goals.

The Enneagram is an amazingly effective tool to help people understand why we do what we do in both our work and personal realms. Learning about the nine basic personality types helps us to see why and how our worldviews are formed and how we relate those views in all aspects of our lives, including our work environment. Learning how each type has their own unique and essential gifts to share with the world promotes a goal of changing from the inside out. This transformation is fostered through self-development which directly translates to increased awareness and recognition of our habitual patterns of behavior.

When using the Enneagram with individuals, we learn to see both the why and how of our decision-making process. Through development of increased self-awareness, individuals can learn to let go of the decisions and actions that no longer serve them. This allows them to operate more effectively, more compassionately, and in a more satisfying way.

When using the Enneagram to develop teams, team members and managers learn to work more effectively with colleagues, co-workers, clients, and team members. Teams begin to reach decisions in a more creative, cohesive, and productive manner. They also work together more willingly and with reduced conflict allowing the team members to enhance their satisfaction in all areas of both their work and personal lives.

You say you've never heard of the Enneagram?

This system of personality analysis, once faddish pop psychology, is becoming a personnel tool for corporate America." -Business Week

"What sets the Enneagram apart is that it contains such detailed, useful information about what drives us to behave as we do. It's valuable not just for those seeking to understand themselves but also as a source of insights into one's friends, colleagues, and even enemies." ­Esquire

"Now after lurking on the fringes of mysticism and pop psychology for more than 20 years, the Enneagram is turning mainstream and respectable. Last year the Stanford University School of Business course called "Personality, Self-Awareness and Leadership" focused on the Enneagram for the first time; the class proved so popular that it will be expanded from 40 to 50 students next winter. The CIA now uses the Enneagram to help agents understand the behavior of individual world leaders. The U.S. Postal Service recently turned to the Enneagram to help employees resolve conflicts. Clergy from the Vatican signed up for an Enneagram seminar last year. And the First international Enneagram Conference, with 1,400 participants who came to Palo Alto, Calif., from as far away as Japan, was cosponsored by Stanford Medical School's department of psychiatry." - Newsweek

"A hot new management idea has just arrived on the scene, Introduced to the West around 1940 by Russian mystic G.I Gutdjieff., the Enneagram is a personality typing system that groups people into 9 categories. Executives from companies such as Motorola and Marriot have attended workshops devoted to the Enneagram system, and it's part of the continuing education program at Silicon Graphics. The CIA has even held Enneagram briefings on the behavior of world leaders." ­Working Woman

"The apparent universality of the Enneagram is a big part of its attraction. People use it to improve themselves and their relationships. Many psychologists and marriage counselors swear by it. Members of the clergy and business managers use it to understand their congregations and subordinates. It is even accepted by academics." - Contra Costa Times

"As a guide to human character, behavior and motivation, it has no equal. More practical than typologies derived from conventional psychology, the Enneagram provides a clear and easily recognizable map of nine distinct personality patterns. For most people, it simply rings true." - Yoga Journal

Source: The Changeworks by Tom Condon

 Fees for Workshops, Couples, and Groups

All training/coaching/teaching is based on the specific goals and needs of the individual, couple, business, or group. Please contact us for more information via email, or by telephone.

Interesting/Helpful Links

The Enneagram Institute - LINK

The International Enneagram Association - LINK

The Wisdom of the Enneagram: Don Riso and Russ Hudson -LINK

The Road Back to You: Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile - LINK

The Journey Toward Wholeness - Suzanne Stabile - LINK

The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge - Beatrice Chestnut - LINK

The Enneagram in Love & Work: Helen Palmer - LINK

Please take a moment to watch this wonderful presentation by the Enneagram Prison Project (EPP).  - LINK

Upcoming Workshops


 Take the Integrative Enneagram (IEQ9) Individual Test

To help you assess your Enneagram type, we recommend that you take the Integrative Enneagram (IEQ9) individual personality assessment test. The test is available online for $60. - LINK


Reach out to schedule a one on one coaching session which will include the individual IEQ9 test. A link to my calendar is in the “Contact Us” information below. Feel free to call with any questions. The combination IEQ9 test and 1.5 hour coaching session is $150.00.

We’ll also help you map your journey to achieve a more complete understanding of the enneagram and how you can use it to increase self-awareness, self-compassion, growth, and transformation.

 Contact Us

Doug Farmer, International Enneagram Association Certified Professional



Schedule 60 Minute Coaching Session